Tristan McClain
Team Rider

Age: 29
From: Pittsburgh, Texas
Currently Resides: Frisco, Texas
Sponsors: Tree Bicycle Co, FTE
I met Tristan back in 2014 while we were both working at Woodward West for our first times. We were both psyched to be there but not as psyched to be a skatepark lifeguard or listen to 30 kids screaming in the cabins before bed or some of the other grueling jobs you have to do when you're a newbie to Woodwards staff. We stayed in touch after camp and visited each other in Texas or Missouri and even in Florida while I was renting a house with friends in Orlando.
We didn't truly cement our close friendship until a room opened up at our house in Orlando while he was dealing with his own stuff in Texas and decided "Heck It I'm moving into a house full of friends nearly 20 hours from where I live to ride bmx everyday in the warm weather."
Somehow Tristan, myself and the friends we lived with were able to work full time together, ride nearly everyday and go on riding / camping trips every weekend together and we never hated each other. It was a beautiful thing. Making fun of Tristan gnarly Texan drawl or some of the most southern sayings he'd say were regular occurrences.
I've been lucky enough to be able to travel all around the USA with Tristan as well as Puerto Rico and Australia and he never looks like he's not a local. Always the first one out of the van unless he's doing those toe touches he's always doing and taking the first laps at the new parks. Even when you asked him to wait for you. He spends a lot of his time now with his pups, his Fiancé or throwing dirt at bigger piles of dirt so he can jump them.
When I accepted the job to work for Tree I had one stipulation - Tristan had to be on the team because I knew he was such a perfect fit.
- Mason Burke